Currently, Postdoc @ CCCE
Previously, Postdoc @ KIST CMD & PhD @ SNU DTFL

Research interests:
I am a theoretical materials scientist and broadly interested in using density functional theory (DFT) to reveal materials process-structure-property relationships. My special focus is to understand the formation principle of atomic structures, which depends on process conditions, by predicting the anisotropic interaction between solid surfaces and their environments. I employ bottom-up computational approaches that combine DFT calculations with a variety of materials theory. Recently, I am interested in developing a computational methodology applicable to a wide range of materials, and particularly devoted to leveraging the mathematical foundations of crystallography, machine learning, and graph theory into materials design.

Education and Employment

Honors and Awards

  • Doyeon academic paper award (2021)
    Inter-university Semiconductor Research Center (ISRC), Seoul National University
  • The 11th Semiconductor day scholarship award (2017)
    Korea Semiconductor Industry Association (KSIA)
  • Graduation with honors, summa cum laude (2015)
    Seoul National University
  • National science and engineering scholarship (2011 – 2014)
    Korea Student Aid Foundation (KOSAF)